Should Be Reading - Miz B - hosts this weekly event. We throw out a couple of sentences from our current read to entice you to read the book.
This week's book: Matrimony by Joshua Henkin, page 7:
The session lasted an hour and a half, and at the end of it all eighteen freshmen from Julian's entryway were sent off with a contraceptiveSee details in this post about a Matrimony giveaway!loot bag that included spermicide, dental dams, and condoms, miniature red and black satchels of their own taken from the larger satchels the PCC-ers carried with them. Carefully, seriously, respectfully, the girls took their satchels upstairs to their rooms, while the boys tossed the contents at one another and dissected them, and Hartley, from across the hall, filled his condoms with water and jettisoned them out the window into the courtyard, seeing if he could get them to explode.
HAHA! Just like boys. Come check out mine: http://storytimewithtonya.blogspot.com/2008/12/tuesday-teaser-ender-in-exile.html
LOL - not quite the class I had to attend, but pretty close! :) Wendi
Here's my Teaser!
Ah, yes, the ol' condom as water balloon routine.
Here's my teaser.
tee hee...great teaser.
I think I would have died of embarrassment had I been handed a bag like that. Then I would have joined the boys in a water condom balloon fight.
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