
We Have a Winner! The 19th Wife

I had some help drawing the book winner's name today. Sophie, who is one year old, comes to our house 4 days a week. She loves to empty bowls and baskets, and was more than willing to draw a name out of the basket for me.

The 13 names are written on scraps of paper...

...put in a basket....

..and Sophie pulls out the winner's name, which is...

...beastmomma! Oops, blurry --

Congratulations, beastmomma! I think I have your email address, I'll be in touch and get the book mailed to you early next week.



Irish said...

Congrats beastmomma! I am listening to this book in my car and am enjoying it lots. =)

Also...Sophie is way too cute! The best name picker there is I am sure.

beastmomma said...

Thank you for picking me Sophie! I am so excited to get my book.

mckait said...

I am just here to confess.

I stole your obama.

and I am not sry!

take care :)

dohlink said...

Sophie does good work! Can she say "Obama" yet? Guess she'll have plenty of time to learn it by ya, sis

Serena said...

congrats to beastmomma.