
Teaser Tuesday & Where Are You? 03-10-09 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Should Be Reading - Miz B - hosts this weekly event. We throw out a couple of sentences from our current read (without spoilers, of course) to entice you to read the book.

Today's selection comes from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, page 20:

The library was a little old shabby place. Francie thought it was beautiful. The feeling she had about it was as good as the feeling she had about church. She pushed open the door and went in. She liked the combined smell of worn leather bindings, library paste and freshly inked stamping pads better than she liked the smell of burning incense at high mass.

It's Tuesday, Where Are You? is hosted by an adventure in reading.

You guessed it. I'm in Brooklyn. Williamsburg, to be more specific. It's 1912, I'm 11 and life is pretty simple and straightforward. For now.



Caspette said...

You are always so quick!

I must admit I love the smell of books so I can understand where the character Francie is coming from.

Books Fall Open said...

Wonderful tease! Old Book Smell is even better than New Book Smell, IMO.

Kaye said...

Hmm there is that feeling of reverence one gets when entering the library! Great teaser
Here's mine

Alyce said...

I love this book - it's one of my favorites!

Nise' said...

Love this book. Don't think I have seen that cover.

Irish said...

this is one of my favorite books.

Anonymous said...

A teaser from one of my all time favorite books. I bet you feel the same way about libraries. I sure do.