
Handy Update

One week later, much improvement.

Here's what they look like now (the glow is not a corona, even though a friend today called the scars my stigmata). Note the subliminal message in the background. (If I tell you there's a subliminal message does that mean it isn't subliminal?)

Talk to the hand....


Anonymous said...

Ouch - hand stitches are never a lot of fun. Best of luck with them!

Jill said...

It still pains me to see those stitches, but your hands look much better compared the the last photos. Keep healing!

Terri said...

Thank you both! I drove for the first time today -- now I understand why the doc recommended no driving for a week or so. It was nice to get out of the house though! Especially cuz I bought books!

Andi said...

Glad the recovery is coming along nicely! Laughed out loud at the stigmata comment.