This week's Early Reviewer Tuesday Thingers discussion topic is: discussion groups -- how many do you belong to, how much do you participate....
Oh, this is so going to feel like a confessional. I was on LibraryThing (LT) for a couple of months before I ventured into any of the talk groups. I've been in some discussion groups on other websites, and inevitably there is some controversy or uproar or just plain obnoxious posters who tend to spoil things. So I was a little hesitant to get involved in any of the LT talk groups. But happily, my experience has been nothing but positive. I "belong to" about half a dozen talk groups on LT - some much busier than others and some I participate in more than others. I also monitor a few other groups and "star" posts that I particularly want to track.
I've had amazing experiences with a couple of LT private talk groups - levels of sharing and trust develop that are impossible to achieve within open groups. I spend an embarrassing amount of time in these groups.
I'm fascinated by the new communications existing in the world today -- that I can nurture genuine close friendships with people who live in a different state or on a different continent without ever meeting them face-to-face (though that happens too, at group meet-ups). I have pondered the

On LT, I mostly view the communications as very positive -- I've learned an incredible amount about literature and have been introduced to authors and books I may have never run across otherwise. And meeting interesting and wonderful people is a bonus I hadn't counted on. I just wanted to catalog my books!
Funny comic strip. I am new at this whole blogging and group thing,so far so good:)
I've had the same experience with discussion groups in general - sooner or later they all tend to erupt in some sort of unpleasantness. But so far, the LT Early Reviewers group has been a comfortable place to hang out - even though I don't do much "talking" myself. Seems to be a nice bunch of folks.
I certainly love LT, and the people are great. Like you, I just wanted to upload my library :)
You're right about the communications, it can be so easy to obsess with conversations and friendships that are carried out on a computer screen to the detriment of everything else.
Speaking from a personal angle though, I've made a point of meeting up with a few people I seemed to click with online, or talking on the telephone and even sending letters... yes real letters LOL.
I love the idea that the world is becoming smaller, that I can chat away to someone in Australia and then the next minute I'm talking to someone in South Africa or the US or even Russia. I've found out so much about cultures and religions and politics that I never would have if I hadn't had an internet connection.
I've also just added you to my LibraryThing Bloggers page, so drop by to make sure your name and link are correct :)
It is nice to be involved in a group of readers who respect each other and don't turn every discussion into a playground brawl. LT members seem to all be a lot of fun - that's where I hang out, too. =)
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