Well, almost St. Patrick's Day; and a happy one to you all!
After reading Laura's post this week about Winnie the Pooh characters, I started noticing similarities to the characters I'm reading about in War and Peace. Pretty bizarre, I know, and not the sort of depth one would expect from a character analysis of such an epic work. Nevertheless, here are a few I've noted:
Natasha = Tigger
Pierre = Eeyore
Nickolai = Roo
Countess Rostov = Kanga
Old Count Rostov = Pooh
Marya = Piglet
Boris = Owl
By the way, turns out in the Pooh test that I'm Roo, which explains why I relate so well to Nickolai.
I'm nearing the War and Peace halfway mark, and I'll have some good chunks of reading time in the next couple of weeks, so I anticipate finishing by the end of the month. I'm finding it a compelling read, pleasantly surprised by the humor and depth of emotion Tolstoy conveys.

I'm not sure what I'll pick next for my supplement to W & P - it needs to be something fairly short and straightforward that I can pick up and put down, so neither of the Sarah Waters books I have, and not The Blind Assassin, which is fairly high on my TBR stack; I want to give those my full attention. Maybe I'll pick one or two of the John Steinbeck short novels - I found a lovely 1953 edition of a collection of them at Goodwill a few weeks ago.
Have a great week, Salonsters. Happy reading!

Terri, having just finished People of the Book by G. Brooks, I will be curious to hear what you think about your Brooks book.
Congrats on reaching the half-way point to W&P too!
Happy Reading!
I have 'Year of Wonder' on my shelves ready to read. I loved both 'March' and 'People of the Book' so I'm hoping this is going to be another good read. I know Eyam very well, so I'll be interested to see how she has depicted it.
Did you know that In Ireland this year it was St Patrick's Day on the 15th? Apparently, or so I heard on the radio, the Pope didn't want the celebrations running on in Holy Week.
Well I never thought my little Winnie the Pooh post could be so inspiring! Actually, I've also heard that Pooh can be applied to the workplace as well, and in fact that its very diversity forms the basis of good teams. So I guess if Pooh has sociological overtones, then why not literary ones as well?
Happy Sunday!
I still need to start reading W&P myself...and you are helping to motivate me :)
Oh, I definitely vote for the Steinbeck Novellas - always wonderful, always quick :)
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