This week my teaser is from The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver, page 57:

Mother is right about the city ending just south of where we live. It isn't South America, but the streets turn to dirt lanes and it's like a village, with families living in wattle huts around dirt courtyards, children squatting in the mud, mothers making fires to cook tortillas. Grandmothers sit on blankets weaving more blankets for other grandmothers to sit on. Between the houses, gardens of maize and beans.

It's 1929, I'm 13 years old and live with my mother in a hacienda on Isla Pixol, an island jungle in Mexico.
I've never read Kingsolver, but this is an interesting snippet. My teaser, a Christmas read, is here.
I have not read this one of hers, so I shall change that. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2009/12/pearl-girls-teaser-tuesdays.html
I've only read one Barbara Kingsolver and I really enjoyed it! Not quite sure what I am waiting for to read the next one!
My teaser is here
Good teaser. I read a Kingsolver book years ago but it was good. Great descriptions.
I have not read this one by Barbara. Great tease.
I have seen this book around, but have not read it or any others by her yet. Mine are posted here!
Sounds good to me!
Teaser Tuesdays: Judah's Lion
Quite a visualization! Looks very well written.
Nice teaser. I haven't read any Kingsolver either. Here's mine!
Of all the books I've read, I haven't read any Kingsolver YET. Must rectify that!
My teaser is here:
Okay, seriously? This is NUMBER ONE on my Wish list for Christmas, I'm not even kidding! In fact, when I saw the cover on your blog I actually gasped! LOL!
LOVE her beyond all measure.
Here's mine in case you are interested:
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