Informal survey: Do you say 'paJAHMas' like 'java' or 'paJAMas like raspberry jam? (Ohhhh- now I want coffee and scones.) You say pajamas and I say pajahmas You say Ms. Clinton and I say OBAMA! |

I used to be quite content reading one book at a time, but lately I often have 3 or 4 going. My former reading self couldn't imagine reading 2 or 3 novels simultaneously - maybe a nonfiction or two along with a novel. I'm not sure what shifted, other than my To Be Read pile (aka Mount TBR) has become unmanageable and I feel the need to tackle it in chunks. Or maybe I'm just enjoying the heck out of reading these days and I don't need to analyze it.
Since winter-like weather has returned I like to keep this memento of last week's spectacular spring days close by:

My suggestion: grab your favorite books, a cup of tea or coffee, put your PJs back on and settle in for the day. And enjoy!
It's been a totally miserable day weather wise here as well. still at least all the plants I put in on Friday are now well watered. I'm still waiting for the new Lahiri as well. Interpreter of Maladies has the distinction of being the only collection of short stories I've truly enjoyed.
pajama day sounds like a great idea. some days the best thing to do is just lounge around vegetating in the pjs and reading a good book. I hope that you enjoy your day of reading. =)
~ Gail
PS...for the informal survey I say paJAMa. As do most of my friends and family.
I'm on the "java" side of pajama. And I hope you enjoy the rest of Interpreter of Maladies as I did! It's one I'll definitely re-read one day.
Now the weather has turned partly sunny and somewhat warm (I should never listen to the weather forecast) and I'm a little embarrassed to still be sitting here in my PJs. But not that embarrassed!
I still haven't started the laundry that I need to get done today. It's been a lazy day all around.
I've had my eye on Unaccustomed Earth, but I'm trying to be good since it's still out in hardback. I still need to read The Interpreter of Maladies.
I hope you have a good week!
I love spending a day in my pajamas (pronounced like JAM!), and to be honest, on the days I'm working from home it is unusual for me to be dressed before noon!
Your reading sounds wonderful. I've never really been able to read more than one book of fiction at a time...the best I can ever do is read bits and pieces of short stories or essays while I'm immersed in a novel. Do you think this say something about my ability to multi-task; or perhaps my level of attention?
Wendy, I think it says more about my inability to focus! LOL.
I usually go with "JAMmies". :-) Which are my favorite clothing!
Sounds like a great bunch of reading! Hang in there with War & Peace. I thought it was completely worth the time.
Have a good week!
Thanks Lezlie -- not JAHMmies though, huh? ;o)
I'm definitely feeling W&P is worth the time; my reading of it has been truncated though with many breaks and other books in between. I think I would have been better off reading it straight through without the other distractions.
Nah. JAHMies is too sophisticated for me. :-)
I read W&P straight through in Dec. after I had reached my 100-book goal. It took about 5 1/2 weeks! I was afraid if I broke it up I would forget what was going on. My favorite part was watching Pierre's growth when he was a prisoner. I was surprised at how much I liked the book overall.
Hmmm, I haven't gotten to that part yet, didn't know Pierre is imprisoned.
Oops. Sorry about that! It's not a big spoiler or anything. His experiences while he's there are the real focus.
That's ok, I didn't really think it was a huge deal!
When I was a young girl and reading Little Women for the first time, my big sister asked, "Did Beth die yet?" She hadn't; she was my favorite character. I was crushed! I've been sensitive to spoilers ever since.
I say pajahmas, but I spell it pyjamas. ;)
That's so funny, Isabel - I was just reading Fifth Business and ran across the word "pyjamas" -- and wondered if I should revise my survey! LOL!
Well Honey,
I say PJs and I'm so sorry about the Beth-dying thing. Now. About the Tooth Faerie.
I too have several books going at once these days; on the bus commute, "Midwives" by Chris Bohjalian; at my lunch table at work, "The Known World," by Edward P Jones; while putzin around home, on my iPod, "Far Appalachia," and "The Rainbows End." In my research, The Edmond Sun (newspapers) 1889 - 1892 ~ hey this is serious, it's on microfilm; "Edmond Oklahoma, Always Growing," and "Women of Oklahoma" 1890 - 1920".
ngg: all is forgiven.
I like the little picture of pajama girl - she looks cute in hers - so do you.
The purple pansies have been holding up well in this last round of nasty Portland weather - gray windy, rainy days. We have to hang the laundry in the basement.
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