
Teaser Tuesday and Where Are You? 04-06-10: Moral Disorder

Should Be Reading - Miz B - hosts this weekly event. We throw out a couple of sentences from our current read (without spoilers, of course) to entice you to read the book.

This week's teaser is from a collection of short stories, Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood, page 170:
It couldn't be toilet trained, however. It peed whenever it felt the urge, and left piles of shiny brown raisin-sized pellets on the linoleum. Nell made it a diaper out of a green plastic garbage bag, cutting holes for the back legs and the tail, but that was worse than useless.

It's Tuesday, Where Are You? is hosted by an adventure in reading.

I'm in cities, suburbs, farms and forests of Ontario.


Clarissa said...

I read a book of her shorties a while ago and really enjoyed them so might go look this book up.

Here is my teaser

Jan von Harz said...

Definitely wondering what it is. Very funny teaser. Love Atwood.

Marg said...

What is it I wonder!

My teaser is here

Lisa said...

I am now very curious

Here's mine.

Alayne said...

Ahh fun with animals. :) My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.

Lori said...

An Eeww teaser. I hope that you will enjoy your book. [My Tuesday Teaser]

Lisa said...

What was it! A dog? A rabbit? A toddler? Good teaser!

My survival teaser is here.

Kaye said...

Sounds like a rabbit to me. I hope you're enjoying the book. My TT is from The Seventh Witch and can be found here